Ep 4: Meeting Every Moment as a Friend with Barbara Bogatin

Ep 4: Meeting Every Moment as a Friend with Barbara Bogatin

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about barbara

Barbara Bogatin has been a member of the San Francisco Symphony since 1994. Before joining the orchestra, her varied career included playing with New York Chamber Soloists, the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera, Aston Magna Baroque Festival, Connecticut Early Music Festival, Casals Festival, and as principal cellist with Milwaukee and New Jersey Symphony Orchestras. She has played with Chamber Music Northwest, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Tiburon Chamber Players, Lake Tahoe Summerfest, The Amati Trio, and the Sunrise String Quartet. She received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the Juilliard School.

Along with her husband, neuroscientist Clifford Saron, Barbara has led workshops on meditation and music practice at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, the Esalen Institute, Stanford Symposium for Music and the Brain, Telluride Compassion Festival,  and conferences in Italy and South Africa.

In this Episode

Barbara and I had a great chat about many topics including:

  • Barbara’s background as a musician and meditator

  • The four components of practice

  • Discerning wisdom vs self-judgment

  • Meeting every moment as a friend

  • Performance preparation and trusting the moment

  • Barbara’s workshops with her husband, Clifford Saron

  • How to get started in meditation and finding a teacher

Learn More

Barbara’s website

Barbara’s TEDx Talk: The Art of Failure

Barbara’s article in Strings Magazine: Buddha, the Brain and Bach

Meditation resource: Dharma Seed

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